The European Court for Human Rights has ruled, that the Czech Republic made a mistake when taking a healthy new-born away from his mother after she had left the hospital on the day of the birth. The State has forced them through a court decision to return back to the hospital. According to the Court it was a drastic […]
News k tématu "Health Care"
The European Court: The Czech Republic made a mistake when taking a baby from its mother, after she had left the hospital on the day of the birth
11. December 2014
European judges have a number of questions regarding the home births in the Czech Republic
10. September 2013
Today’s hearing regarding the complaints of two Czech women by the European court of Human Rights demonstrated the interest of the judges concerning the situation in the Czech Republic. According to the expectations, the hearing was not formal – the judges asked a number of additional questions, especially towards the government. The subject matter of the […]